November has at last turned chilly & grey (for a few days
at least). So instead of lounging at sidewalk cafés, reluctantly basking in unseasonably
warm sunrays (1), a flâneur can now again take to the streets for long brisk walks.
For lack of golden sunlight and in the absence of autumnal luminosities, I point the camera to whatever artificial colour that strikes the eye : red street marks echoed in red graffiti, two intensely blue flaps of a sagging shop awning.
Or the flashy colourful letters on a ground floor window (not of a shop, rather a room possibly used for creative purposes) - speaking directly to the soul of a keenly observing, city-gold-digging flâneur.
- How many years, before we’ll stop calling 25°C end of October “unseasonably warm” - how long before the veterans of harsh autumns past have become a minority?
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